As an undergrad I took a class through Systems Science where I was introduced to the dynamics of ant colonies and their complex behavior emerging from the simple behavior of ants. I became a biology major, but in retrospect I was more interested in modeling complex systems than biology itself. For my Honors Thesis I did a data analysis of a small ecological dataset which was my first push into the data world.
I took another class from Systems Science as a postbac, where I learned modeling & simulation with R & Python – and then decided to do my Master’s as well. Systems Science means different things to different people, but to me it’s a scientific field that blends computer simulation, operations research, data analysis, and systems thinking to generate pragmatic and effective solutions to business problems.
I currently work for Lyft Bikes and Scooters, which recently bought my former employer (Biketown) and its parent company (Motivate).
Contact me
I’m always looking to connect with data people, so please reach out to me! You can find me at: